We are a quarter way through with 2019. Many people must have added resolutions related to health and fitness like many of my friends and family members. Also, now there are more awareness and health issues. “Useless cell phone” and “Be Active” were two of my resolutions because I thought using my smartphone made me lazy and inactive, which then disrupted my sleep patterns, and that is probably one of the reasons I don’t exercise. So, yes, I thought my phone was the culprit, but it was actually how I was using it. However, that changed quickly, when I started searching for health apps, fitness regime apps, meal plans, etcetera on Play Store. In fact, if you search health apps on your Google Play Store or App Store (for iPhone) the options are endless, and also overwhelming. There is so much choice and a lot of pressure on being healthy. Some of it is because healthcare is so expensive, but also there are probably more diseases and more awareness about health than before. Technology companies have also sensationalized health by creating products like SmartWatches and others.
Here are some of my recommendations for the best apps, and why:
I installed MyFitnessPal upon my fiancé’s recommendation. It tracks what I eat the entire day and calculates my calories for me. It ensures I eat healthy and helps develop a good weight loss goal. It also tells me how much I need to exercise, and encapsulates my logs in one place too. With a reminder and a tracker on one platform, it is an all-encompassing health application loved by many in 2019.
Sworkit – Workouts & Fitness Plans for Everyone
Sworkit is for those of you who are time-pressed and need quick fixes to get to their health goals. People do not have enough time to do the things they want to accomplish. They need an additional reminder or motivational factor to do the things they have to do, even if it is for themselves. It has built-in exercises, and over 160 activities for physical and mental fitness. This app is perfect for those who can switch in between yoga and running. The app itself is free, however, it has a paid premium version and in-app purchases one can avail.
Daily Yoga, Asana Rebel and Yoga Daily Fitness
With no equipment requirements, all Yoga apps are good for mindfulness, regaining focus, and strengthening one’s mind and body simultaneously. These yoga apps are rated as some of the best by users. With growing concerns in mental health and stress; these apps are highly recommended so you stay on top of your schedule and find time and space for yourself.
Strave, Endomondo and Home Workout
These apps are great for making friends, taking part in healthy competition, and interacting with people. I have grouped them together because they have features for socializing with other app users. You never know you might find people in your area as well. Group fitness helps keep motivation high as well. These two apps track your progress, and you can align your workout with your friends and other people. Social interaction combined with a health app is the closest thing you can get to working out in a gym. Generally, people complain that their lifestyle, work and other duties and endless chores do not allow for space to go to the gym. Similarly, technology is blamed for reducing our cognitive and soft skills. These apps might just help. These apps are free to use. Home Fitness is free, and you can choose exercises if you want to focus on certain body parts. However, if you want to track heart rate, and schedule a training exercise, Endomondo offers that with a price. Strava has a paid premium version, but it is free if you just want to be motivated and set targets. These apps do not require a lot of workout equipment.
Headspace – Guided Meditation and Mindfulness
This app is great for tracking your mental health and is free. Headspace has timed sessions; between three minutes to a half hour of meditation. As the name suggests, it is specifically for your headspace. Use this time wisely to de-stress and regain focus and reduce negative thoughts. Meditation has been known to better one’s sleep patterns, increase endurance, help regain focus and be more productive in your life. It also has a reminder in case you do not remember to clear your head. I would recommend using this with a fitness app to exercise your mind and body together.
FitNotes – Gym Workout Log App
FitNotes allows for space and freedom to choose one’s routines. It also comes with a large database that allows for a lot of exercises you might want to choose from. Like some of the other apps, it takes your health and workout specifications into account.
These are some of my favorite apps, and I have tried and tested all of them over the last three months. One thing that I have learned is that we need to trust technology if we are to work with it regularly to make our lives more productive etc. Without any investment, you have all these apps in your palm for free. That is how simple it is. Be sure to put on daily reminders if you want to the best of these apps. Apps like Inner Hour and Remente also help you regain focus and provide mental health care services that we neglect in the hustle-bustle of our everyday lives. Food and other self-care regimes are often ignored when we are consumed with our days. These apps are fun to use, and will keep you fit and relaxed throughout your day.
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